Leadership Spotlight: Joe Griffitts, Director of Hokie Passport Services

What do you enjoy most about working within your unit?
What I enjoy most about working at Hokie Passport Services is having the opportunity to work with incredibly talented people who truly care about the work being accomplished. Everyone here is not only skilled but also willing to help whenever and however needed. The collaboration is wonderful, and the concept of “team” is truly embraced.
What are the most important qualities of an effective leader, in your opinion?
In my opinion, the ability to sincerely listen to subject matter experts coupled with the ability to make a timely decision are important qualities of an effective leader. Listening to those with relevant knowledge helps you obtain critical information so that you can make an informed decision. Making decisions in a timely manner is essential in maintaining momentum and taking advantage of opportunities.
What is your favorite quote or motto, and how does it inspire you?
One of my favorite quotes comes from Matthew 6:1. This verse inspires me to focus on the importance of performing a humble act of kindness simply because it is the right thing to do, and not for public recognition. A simple act of kindness can truly change a person’s situation.
How do you build and maintain relationships with stakeholders and partners?
Building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders and partners hinges on fostering open and effective communications. From the inception of an idea to the final completion of a project and follow-up, clear and consistent communication is critical to overall success. This way, we can align our goals and build trust, which leads to better results for everyone.