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Megan Hinkle, Human Resources Coordinator, Auxiliary and Business Services

Megan Hinkle headshot for Virginia Tech

How long have you worked at Virginia Tech? 

I have worked at Virginia Tech for 10 years. I started out in Biological Sciences as a wage employee before moving to a full-time position in HNFE for 9 years. I began working in ABS in August and have enjoyed getting to know my coworkers and everything HR.

What is your favorite building or area on the VT campus? 

My favorite area on the VT campus would have the be the duck pond. Something about the water is just so beautiful and peaceful to me.

Who’s the most famous person you have met? 

The most famous person I have ever met is the country singer Cole Swindell at one of his concerts.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

The best piece of advice I have been given is to just be my best at all times and enjoy the little things in life.

What is your favorite way to spend a weekend or day off? 

My favorite way to spend one of my days off is having a picnic at the park with my three boys Connor, Callum, and Crue.